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Writer's pictureJenni Thyng

God is God. I am not.

As I was out in the heat this morning, weeding my garden beds, I was listening to a commentary on Job. (I know, often people think that all that I listen to is music, but I do like to listen to other’s thoughts and even opinions on scripture.) For the last few weeks, I have been picking my way through a study on Job, it has been interesting and thought provoking, to say the least.

Let me make it clear here, I am not in a place I feel I am not in a place where I feel as though my life or circumstances are mirroring Job (though there are times where this has been the case), it is just one of my favorite books of the Bible to glean from. It truly is a prism of theological debate and construction. It reminds me of a quilt, pieced together with layers that, when put together, can be used for comfort but often time is put aside to be used, whenever it is thought of or needed. The truth that is boldly stated throughout, is not one sided nor should it be something that is forgotten. As I was listening, this thought came to my mind, fleeting at first, and then pounding…

“My circumstances will NEVER change the character of God. God’s character will change my circumstances.”

As I continued to pull the weeds and pray, I asked, “Lord, what circumstances am I expecting You to change as You bend to MY will? Why am I so hung up on this truth? Am I missing something?”

Here is what comes to mind, and one of the things I love about the Spirit of The Lord... He is often gentle in the way of things. Unlike the ripping out of a weed by the roots, the Spirit will often soften us to the change, yes, even in discipline, to brings us, His children, to the perfect point of surrender.

Truth is truth. I can’t disregard it because I feel like life is going “fine” or because it is not propelling me in direction of the spiritual leap that I feel that I "need" to take.

We see this in Job. Truth is a teacher. Truth is a foundation to stand on. Truth is eternal. Truth is vital. Truth needs to be remembered. Truth needs to be spoken. God is the author of truth. God’s truth never changes.

Just as we see in Job’s life, in the trials, loss and persecution that he was facing – are we able to stand on the truth… do we recall that, as Job says (Job 19:25), “I know that My Redeemer Lives”? Do we trust Him fully or are we wanting to change Him to trust us?

I had a long time to pray about and think on these things (thankfully, there were a lot of weeds) – and I could go on and on with stories about how I have done this very thing… trying to fit God into my life, rather than allowing Him to form my life in His hands. If we are honest with ourselves, I think we all can relate to this at some time or another. However, read and marinate in this verse

from Acts 17:28 “For IN HIM we Live and Move and have our being…we are His offspring.”

We did not give the Lord life, He gave us life and through Jesus, it is ‘life to the Full’ (John 10:10). No matter the circumstance – His character is trustworthy, perfect and without mistake or wavering.

Job, a book of testing, questioning, even blame – but ultimately, a book of foundation, hearing the voice of God and seeing His unrelenting character, His undeniable power and majesty. Who am I to change Him, to say or live otherwise? This is truth: God is God and I am not. Obviously, this answer is clear, in the here and now, as I am meditating on scripture and writing my thoughts out – but my prayer is that I will remember this very challenging, yet pointed answer the next time I began to struggle with God’s sovereignty, in my humanness, and when I question His perfect plan unfolding in my life. I want to KNOW - without a shadow of a doubt the truth that whatever circumstance I find myself in, His very character, and therefore His love, will never change. I can rest and trust in this Truth, His lordship and rejoice in His perfect love.

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