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For The LOVE... Hard times - Solid Truth

People, I have had “the challenges” these past few months. Even in the blessings - You, know the kind... heart aching situations, where "the rubber meets the road"!?!?!? I have found myself in struggles where my walk and my talk need an alignment check. Don't get me wrong - I believe and walk out what I preach annnnnd I continue to live out loud, however, in these moments - life's challenges - relationship challenges - tornados of emotion... it is easy to be tossed by the waves of what culture says and what we know to be right and in this, I/we need to STAND on truth. (Which is why, and I will say it again and again, we need to be rooted in God’s Word.)

In times of self-evaluation... and being human…. I have to do the whole “Truth vs. Trash” check. In these circumstances that I find myself in, what does it mean to show True Love and am I walking it out? Honestly, some topics can have blurred lines and I find that sometimes by saying what, (in this case "True Love"), ISN’T so that I see a clearer picture of what (True Love) IS.

I thought I would share my thoughts, as this is where I am at... oh, and this is not an exhaustive list, by far!

True love isn't "just to paste on a smile" and act like everything is okay. It doesn't mean just "accepting" what isn't right, (which, most times, is downright wrong), only to deem it to be "okay". It isn't turning a blind eye. It isn't responding in the emotion of anger. It isn’t inciting drama. It isn't judging others as to how "you would never!" and/or "how could they have?". True love isn't about being "always in the right". It doesn't gossip. It doesn't envy. It isn't abusive. It doesn't intentionally harm. True love, cannot be faked. It isn't dissecting someone's life to find fault. True love isn't dishonest. True love isn't fleeting. It isn't wanting someone to fail. True love doesn't have an expiration date. True love isn’t always easy. True love isn't an escape route. It isn't an excuse. True love isn’t compromising. It is never an afterthought. It is never dependent on the goodness of others. It is never prideful.

If that has made you, like me, think... let me tell you some of the things that True love IS....

True love is total. It sometimes comes with tears. True love is for greater good of others. It is selfless. True love is sacrificial. It remains. True love offers grace for mistakes. True love brings complete forgiveness. True love sees the brokenness and comes along side to bring about healing. True love never fails. True love endures no matter what. True love rejoices in the victories of others. True love hurts with those who are hurting. True love speaks truth. It is patient. True love listens and hears. True love waits. True love doesn't compare. True love is always available. True love is timeless. True love intercedes. True love encourages True love. True love is shameless. True love shows value. True love shows promise. True love always keeps promises. True love brings peace. True love brings joy. True love is honest. It will always point you to the right direction. True love gives life. True love inspires.

We live in a broken world that has tainted what True Love is.... I firmly believe that we cannot even fathom the depth and greatness of True Love until we have received it.

I know that this is where I may lose some of you… but just hear me out.

There is only One who has walked this earth, showing True Love every moment of His life, in His death and in His victory defeating sin and death – in absolute perfection- and that is Jesus Christ. Until I received His True Love - I had absolutely no idea what it was... or how to show it.

Here I am, depending on this True Love, that I have been freely and generously given and find myself, daily, needing to give the same. Friends, I am still sooooo imperfect.... but day by day, moment by moment, the more that I receive, the more that I can give. The more I understand, the more I can apply the knowledge. The more that I grow in my relationship with Him, the more that I can reach out to others.

He loves me IN my imperfection – He doesn’t leave me there. I am continuing to learn through these circumstances and remember that because I know what His True Love is – I am not defined by these circumstances.

Here’s the deal - If you don't know this True Love, please don't wait another moment. It is available for you too – right now. I am here for you. Please, don’t keep taking the world’s skewed and tainted view of love as your identity and value. Reach out – He will be reaching in.

If you do know this True Love, if you know Jesus and understand what His True Love has done in your life, please don’t wait another moment to share it - the world needs it – You and I need it. You have been given opportunities every single day to live it out. Don’t let fear stop you. Be BOLD in sharing Him in other peoples' lives as He has been BOLD in sharing True Love in your life!

Let me know in the comments if you are ready to or have already received His True Love… by commenting “Amen”. PM me with questions, for prayer, for encouragement or you could email me, either way!

This is from one imperfect person to another - His Truth IS able.

In His Love,

Jenni Thyng

For Truth in Scripture: John 3:16, 1 Cor. 13, Eph. 5:22 – 6:7

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